Your business communication needs, secured

Private, scalable, low-latency connectivity to ensure productive teamwork.

Explore our Ethernet solutions

Whether you need to connect two sites or 20, Ziply Fiber’s private Ethernet transport services allow your business to communicate securely. We offer a range of private Ethernet lines and networks to meet the diverse needs of today’s small and mid-sized companies—at a lower price point than legacy WAN solutions

Which of our Ethernet services is right for your business?



Ethernet Private Line (EPL)


Great for mid-sized companies connecting a single location to headquarters


Provides point-to-point connectivity between two locations






Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EP-VPL )


Great for businesses with three or more locations that require sharing centralized assets with branch locations, but not between locations


Connects three or more locations in a hub-and-spoke configuration, ensuring communication only takes place between a hub and spoke, never between spokes



Ethernet Private LAN (E-LAN)


Great for multi-site enterprises that require distributing resources over a large geographic area


Connects three or more locations in an any-to-any configuration like E-LAN, but allows for the integration of other services, such as internet access and IP connect via service multiplexing at each user network interface (UNI)



Ethernet Virtual Private LAN (EVP-LAN)


Great for organizations with multiple networks and services that require sharing data over a large footprint


p>Connects three or more locations in an any-to-any configuration like EVP-LAN, but allows for the integration of other services, such as internet access and IP connect via service multiplexing at each user network interface (UNI)


More connectivity solutions

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Simplified, centralized cloud management for security, networking & application control

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Reliable, secure connections for your critical data and applications

Two people using a laptop in a warehouse

Wide Area Networking

Easily enable new locations and applications with networking services


Why Ziply Fiber

With class-leading capacity management of no more than 40% during peak loads, only 3ms latency in the core network, over 200 private peering relationships and redundancy engineered down to the aggregation network, Ziply Fiber is second to none.

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Talk to an expert about Ziply Fiber’s private, low-latency connectivity solutions.


Call us at 1-888-688-0016 or fill out the form below.